Start Here : The Scrapyard

Two PAGES here: The Sandpit is stuff I write to indulge my interest in places and spaces, real and imagined. There is often so much more than meets the eye in the streets and on the screens that are the backdrop of our lives. They might interest and amuse me but I doubt that you share my arcane predilections. After all, it is just a collection of scraps, but if you root around a bit, you might find something that sparkles. It is configured primarily for reading on a phone. The content has a London bias but does wander. My gaff, my rules. The Pulpit is a reliquary of my former professional involvement in the urban environments we create, not in the design or planning of things, but rather working out how to deliver them; the practicalities of financing and organisation. Some of the posts here comprise material I prepared when I became more involved in training and the nitty gritty of policy. The more recent posts are simply musings on the changing scene since then. Why...